If you use any Apple product, even if it’s just iTunes, you are used to getting receipts in your email that tell you about your purchases.  This is what this particular scam is targeting!

Hackers will send an email that contains a receipt that has a ridiculous price on it, hoping that you will cancel it immediately by clicking on the link.

Scam Receipt:

Couple things you notice right away:
1:  There is no name on the receipt
2:  Payment method just says ‘by card’ – Apple puts the type of card you used and the last four digits for you to see.
3:  Apple will ask you to ‘Review your subscription,’ not ‘Cancel Subscription’

Real Apple Receipt:

What to do if you get a fraudulent receipt:
1: Don’t click on any of the links!  They will all lead you to a fake Apple site that will ask for your information.
2: If you do click on it by accident, pay attention to what they are asking for.  Apple won’t ask for your social security number, your debit or credit card number, your mother’s maiden name or things like that!
3: Look at your address.  If it’s not right, get out of the site immediately!
4: Apple is requesting that you forward all these emails to them at reportphishing@apple.com and they are recommending that you change your passwords.

And as always, if we can be of assistance, please feel free to give us a call at 603-524-1400, email us at support@samedaycomputers.com, or link up with one of our technicians on live chat at www.samedaycomputers.com!


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