Mining for cryptocurrency, whether it’s bitcoin or Monero, isn’t an easy process and while it doesn’t happen in the ground but on computers, it does come with problems.  The main one being that process takes up a lot of CPU usage and slows computers down to a crawl.

What’s a hacker to do?

They have created malware called WinstarNssmMiner.  This malware allows hackers to use your gadget and not theirs to mine for currency.

How does the malware get onto your computer?
It either gets downloaded from a malicious link in a phishing email or from a compromised website.

What can you do?

1:  Don’t follow links in emails.  Retype them in your address bar!

2:  Double check the spelling of the address that you are on.  Hackers use trusted websites but spell it with a few different letters in an attempt to fool us.

As always, if we can ever be of assistance, please feel free to give us a call at 603-524-1400, email us at, or link up with one of our technicians on live chat at!

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