

Ransomware Infecting Networks

Ransomware Infecting Networks

The latest ransomware, CLOP, is infecting networks not just computers.   This particular ransomware is downloaded with a digital signature which makes it look legitimate. After being installed, it will stop processes and disable antivirus software.  Soon it will close...

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Last Windows Update Causing Problems

Last Windows Update Causing Problems

It seems like all of the updates for Windows 10 cause problems while they fix others!  It's a frustrating cycle. The last update had a patch to fix the Spectre chip flaw that we reported on months ago. That patch brought bugs with it.  Namely, graphic issue among...

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Latest Bug Targets Windows 7 Machines

Latest Bug Targets Windows 7 Machines

If you're running Windows 7 on your computer you are probably aware that Microsoft is going to stop support for it on January 14, 2020.  That doesn't mean you can't continue using Windows 7, it just means that you won't get updates (some might call that a blessing)....

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Google Play Adware Apps to Remove

Google Play Adware Apps to Remove

Google Play discovered three adware apps recently.  They have a unique strategy for staying on your phone. After launching the app the first time, it hides itself and only gives you a shortcut to the app.  When you try to uninstall it from your home screen you only...

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Facebook Privacy Breach… Again

Facebook Privacy Breach… Again

First, the Cambridge Analytica breach, then the announcement that millions of accounts had been compromised. Now, the phone number that you put in for your two factor authentication is being sold by Facebook and used as a look up tool! When you signed up for the two...

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Ransomware From ‘Proton Technologies’

Ransomware From ‘Proton Technologies’

Proton Technologies made ProtonMail and ProtonVPN.  If you look up Proton Technologies you will find a legitimate company. Hackers have taken the Proton name and copyright statement to add to their ransomware letter in the hopes of fooling unsuspecting victims. What...

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Phone Apps Still Tracking You!

Phone Apps Still Tracking You!

Have you opted out of being tracked on applications on your phone? Most of us have.  That doesn't mean that the apps aren't still tracking you. Tracking us and what we do online is how apps make money! While re-setting the advertising id's settings should prevent us...

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New Virus Can Affect Every Device!

New Virus Can Affect Every Device!

Although Mono is focused on Macs right now, it has the ability to cross over all the lines and infect Windows, Androids, PlayStations, Xbox, and even the Wii! Mono is bundled in software downloads and installs with 'cracked' software, which is software that has been...

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‘Clipper’ Malware Found in Google Play Store

‘Clipper’ Malware Found in Google Play Store

This particular malware, 'Clipper', is used to steal information from the clipboard on your gadget. What does this mean? Say you have a password that you copy and paste onto a website, it is saved to your clipboard.  Anytime you copy something, it is saved to your...

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Latest Facebook Scam Could Fool Anyone!

Latest Facebook Scam Could Fool Anyone!

Facebook is always a target for hackers due to the amount of people using it. The latest phishing scam is difficult to recognize. Hackers created their own "Log in With Facebook" pop-up window.  It is almost an exact clone of the login screen you get when a page give...

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