by The Same Day Computer Team | May 23, 2018 | Blog, Front Page, News, Uncategorized, Upgrades, What We Do
Hackers love to use Adobe for their scams! They can disguise them as anything from receipts to applications and anything in between! Beware of the PDFs that you get through your email! If you open them from an unknown sender you could be infecting your computer with...
by The Same Day Computer Team | May 2, 2018 | Blog, Front Page, News, Services, Upgrades, What We Do
The latest Creator’s Updates is out and it’s got some new features that may prove very helpful! Microsoft has created a program called Timeline that will make it easy to work on, say a paper, on your work computer and then go home and pick up right where you left off...
by The Same Day Computer Team | May 1, 2018 | Blog, Front Page, News, Services, Uncategorized, What We Do
On most days this wouldn’t be newsworthy, however, Gmail is making a few new additions to their email system that may interest those that send sensitive information via email! The sender will be able to require a password to open the email, which Gmail will generate. ...
by The Same Day Computer Team | Apr 27, 2018 | Blog, Front Page, News, Services, What We Do
The FBI recently announced that cybercriminals are more active now than ever before. They estimate that consumers have paid close to $15 million in 2017 alone to illegitimate ‘Tech Help’ companies. That is an increase of 86 percent from 2016! How does this happen?...
by The Same Day Computer Team | Apr 11, 2018 | Blog, Front Page, News, Services, Uncategorized, What We Do
It’s not just computers that hackers are getting into – they are targeting tablets and phones as well. How can you tell if you device is infected? 1: Excessive Data Usage – beyond the usages that is normal for you. 2: Applications crash for no reason. 3: Extra...
by The Same Day Computer Team | Apr 10, 2018 | Blog, Front Page, News, Services, Uncategorized, What We Do
Researchers have found that Cortana is listening for voice commands even when your computer is asleep! This flaw can allow hackers to make commands too. How it works: The good news is that in order for a hacker to start using Cortana, they have to physically connect...