by The Same Day Computer Team | Mar 28, 2018 | Blog, Front Page, News, Services, Uncategorized, What We Do
The first appearance of Jaff ransomware appeared in May 2017 and getting stronger. This particular rasomware is delivered through emails. The email will have a subject line similar to: PDF_{four or more digits} Scan_{four or more digits} File_{four or more digits}...
by The Same Day Computer Team | Mar 27, 2018 | Blog, Front Page, News, Services, Uncategorized, Upgrades, What We Do
This month when Microsoft came out with their monthly updates they included the newest patches for Spectre! Those of you who came in and got the patches done for Spectre but have been waiting for the ‘microcode’ part to be fixed, Microsoft is saying that it has been!...
by The Same Day Computer Team | Mar 23, 2018 | Blog, Front Page, News, Services, Uncategorized, What We Do
Having a strong password is important! Without a strong password all of your sensitive information is available to anyone looking! Quick example is your email: without a password anyone could read your email, see your contacts, your calendar, and write emails from...
by The Same Day Computer Team | Mar 19, 2018 | Blog, Front Page, Info/Contact, News, Services, Uncategorized, What We Do
Scammers are setting up Facebook accounts to look just like anyone they want. They can grab pictures off of any profile they want and be whoever they want! After they have set up the account they send messages to people on your friend list asking for money to be sent...
by The Same Day Computer Team | Mar 16, 2018 | Blog, Front Page, Info/Contact, News, Services, Uncategorized, What We Do
Recent researchers have found that the total cost to buy an identity on the Dark Web is $1,200. That’s include social security number, mother’s maiden name, birthday and all your personal information that is needed to steal your identity! If the cybercriminals don’t...
by The Same Day Computer Team | Mar 15, 2018 | Blog, Front Page, Info/Contact, News, Services, Uncategorized, What We Do
There has been a lot of buzz lately about CryptoCurrency or Bitcoin. At the beginning of 2017 Bitcoin was selling for less than $1,000 and by the end of 2017 the price over $18,000. What does this have to do with Cryptojacking? Bitcoin is a digital currency that...