Data Recovery
It’s not gone yet, there’s hope
It can be shocking to realize that your report that’s due in three days is sitting on your laptop that doesn’t turn on any more. Or, to realize that you’ve deleted an old folder you didn’t think you needed, only to remember too late that you have irreplaceable documents inside. There are a million ways that a working computer, phone or laptop can instantly turn into a potential heart attack… spilled drink, dropped phone, or cracked screen…
Don’t fret. Our data recovery services are second to none. We have specialized equipment and software that allows us to reconstruct partial or corrupt data, partitions or file systems in the case of failing hardware. Just because a computer won’t turn on, doesn’t mean we can’t still retrieve the data.
Take a look at some of our services here, but if you have a special request or a question that you’re not sure we’ve answered here, don’t hesitate to contact us right now and speak directly with a technician.
Even if your computer isn’t completely smashed to bits, you may decide you want to make a backup just in case something awful happens in the future. Good news, we can help. We can back your data up to DVD, USB Flash Drive, external drive, or even the cloud.
If your computer isn’t functional, or you suspect there may be a failing hard drive or virus causing trouble… turn off your computer immediately and bring it to one of our stores. Data loss can take place while the computer is running. We will use our advanced recovery techniques and hardware to scan and restore any data that’s still present on your computer.
In the case that we find the hardware is damaged beyond recovery, the next step is to physically remove the media and attempt a recovery with replacement hardware. We work closely with a number of vendors world-wide to locate exact part and revision replacements to perform clean-room and pc-board recoveries, with a very high success rate.
Make a mistake on your novel? Restore to last Tuesday. Accidentally delete a folder? Restore it. Computer failed from a power surge, or stolen ? Get an entire restore to your new computer! Click HERE for more information.

Stop in today… no appointment necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can you recover from other devices?
We can recover from almost anything electronic. The best way to find out is to bring it by one of our offices for us to take a look. We’ve recovered from cell phones, usb flash drives, external drives, windows and mac computers, laptops, desktops, all-in-ones, sd-cards, and flash hard drives.
I got a message saying my data was encrypted, they want me to send money. What do I do?
Turn off your computer immediately and bring it to one of our locations. The bad news is that these encryption viruses are no joke, they really do encrypt data. The good news is, many of them have been broken and the decryption keys have been leaked. Other options include trying to recover originals from the drive or file history component of the system. Stop by any time for an evaluation.
How do I receive my data back?
We have quite a few options for delivering your data recovery back to you. In most cases, data recoveries can fit onto DVD or USB Flash drive, which we keep in stock. If the backup is large, we may recommend moving to an external hard drive, or splitting the backup among multiple drives. We’ll certainly ask you when we determine the size of your backup.
Get Started On Your Service
Contact us if you have any questions about repair or upgrades, or just stop on in to one of our stores… no appointment necessary!